The Eastern Citadel ( is uniquely overt in advertising, and as well, initiating a coherent cum esoteric publication that will indeliably suit, and as well, disseminate an information that pertains your sole business deals to the populace! What ranks a website or a blog on Alexa Ranking is merely not how it is been designed, but the influx of visitors into it, and as well, the quality of the articles or documentaries that is being published on that website!
The Sole Publisher and Administrator on has reticulated his website links to so many social media networks, such as:
- Facebook (Groups, Pages & Updates)
- Twitter
- Eskimi
- LinkedIn
- My Space
- Alexa
- Webstat Checker
- Jumia
- Konga
- Google Plus
- Instagram
- Badoo
- Other blog sites!
- Search Engines (Yahoo!, SpeedBit, Ask) etc.
This reticulation will at least direct or swerve internet users to, which do increases page views with the embedded or shared links posted to Facebook, Twitter, Google-Plus, etc which will reasonably allow readers to share an article to a social media network of their choice, which will cluely drag more visitors to our blog, via the shared links, and so to infinity!
Our Alexa Ranking is conscupiously increasing at the rate of 1,605 visitors per day. A website at this developed stage that incurs 1,605 visits per day is potentially capable of uplifting your growing business to a global echelon. Our HTML database is still intact, coupled with our classic and rich style of editing and publication of articles! Our articles are pre-programmed to share its links to Facebook, Twitter and Google-Plus for about 3 - 4 times a week, and with such links posted to world's most popular social media networks, adeptly proves that your business is at a global doorstep.
Helping matters, the Administrator on our blog will post links that pertains your article to his 5000 friends on facebook! Our Administrator will also create a template that will allow your advert to be displayed on every article on, as we span over a lot of rare articles.
The Eastern Citadel ( is also an operator of a Google Adsense Publisher ID and also a Google Affiliate Marketer, which will lucidly promote an unbiased indexation on Google's search engine, coupled with our unalloyed SEO Tips that will have your company's name to be domiciled on Google's Top 10, when searched on the internet.
Our Advertisement Policy and Guidelines has been reviewed and improved, as you can now post an audio/video clip of your advert, and have it being uploaded on our website, and when downloaded, it can be listened and shared to others at any convenient time! Some growing businesses have placed their adverts already on our blog, whereas some are still on negotiations. Our Advert Policy is based on a 2months/6months/1year deal, depending on your products and services! And we advertise at a very affordable rate!
At The Eastern Citadel, we believe that advertisements should contribute to, and be consistent with the overall user experience. The best advertisements are those that are tailored to individuals based on how they and their friends interact and affiliate with the brands, artists, and businesses they care about. These guidelines are not intended to serve as legal advice and adherence to these guidelines does not necessarily constitute legal compliance. Advertisers are responsible for ensuring that their advertisements comply with all applicable laws, statutes, and regulations.
Additional examples and explanations to our policies can be found in our Help Center.
A. Our advertising Guidelines consist of advertising content criteria, community standards, and other applicable requirements.
B. The advertisement Guidelines, as well as our Data Use Policy and Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, apply to all advertisement and commercial content ("advertisements") served by or appearing on The Eastern Citadel (including advertisements purchased under AAAA/IAB Standard Terms and Conditions).
C. Advertising appearing within applications on The Eastern Citadel Platform must comply with all additional The Eastern Citadel's Platform Policies.
D. Advertisements that are generated through Page posts, and advertisements that promote a sweepstakes, contest, competition or offer must also comply with the Page Terms.
E. Advertisements must not contain false, misleading, fraudulent, or deceptive claims or content.
F. You may not manage more than one advertiser or client through a single advertisement account, and may not change the advertiser or client associated with an established advertisement account.
G. If you use custom audiences, you must comply with the Custom Audience Terms.
A. No data collected, derived or obtained from or in connection with The Eastern Citadel's advertisement, including The Eastern Citadel's delivery of an advertisement, and ZyrnoMarket™ users' interaction with The Eastern Citadel-served advertisement (such as information derived from targeting criteria) ("The Eastern Citadel's advertising data") may be received or used by an entity not acting on behalf of The Eastern Citadel advertiser.
B. You may not use The Eastern Citadel's advertising data for any purpose (including retargeting, commingling data across multiple advertisers' campaigns, or allowing piggybacking or redirecting with tags), except on an aggregate and anonymous basis to assess the performance and effectiveness of your Zyrnolink's advertising campaigns. In no event may you use The Eastern Citadel's advertising data, including the targeting criteria for The Eastern Citadel advertisement, to build or augment user profiles, including profiles associated with any mobile device identifier or other unique identifier that identifies any particular user, browser, computer or device.
C. You may use information provided directly to you from users if you provide clear notice to and obtain consent from those users and comply with all applicable laws and industry guidelines.
D. You may not directly or indirectly transfer or sell any data to, or use such data in connection with any advertisement network, advertisement exchange, data broker, or other party not acting on behalf of an advertiser and The Eastern Citadel's advertising campaigns. By indirectly we mean you cannot, for example, transfer data to a third party who then transfers the data to an advertisement network.
All components of an advertisement, including any text, images, or other media, must be relevant and appropriate to the product or service being offered and the audience viewing the advertisement. Advertisements may not contain audio or flash animation that plays automatically without a user's interaction or expands within The Eastern Citadel ( after a user clicks on the advertisement. Advertisements should not position products or services in a sexually suggestive manner. Advertisements may not contain content that exploits political agendas or "hot-button" issues for commercial use. Additionally, advertisement text must include proper grammar and the use of all symbols, numbers, or letters must adhere to the true meaning of the symbol.
Advertisement must clearly represent the company, product, service, or brand that is being advertised. Products and services promoted in the advertisement copy must be clearly represented on the landing page, and the destination site may not offer or link to any prohibited product or service. Additionally, advertisement may not suggest false relevancy to generic offers.
Advertisements may not assert or imply, directly or indirectly, within the advertisement content or by targeting, a user's personal characteristics within the following categories:
- Race or ethnic origin;
- Religion or philosophical belief;
- Age;
- Sexual orientation or sexual life;
- Gender identity;
- Disability or medical condition (including physical or mental health);
- Financial status or information;
- Membership in a trade union;
- Criminal record; and
- Name.
Advertisements must lead to a functioning landing page that does not interfere with a user's ability to navigate away from the page.
Advertisements and sponsored stories in News Feed may not include images comprised of more than 20% text.
Advertisements must always apply appropriate targeting and never use targeting criteria to provoke users. Advertisements for regulated goods and services (e.g. alcohol and gambling), must abide by all applicable laws, regulations, and industry codes. Specific requirements for dating services, alcohol, gambling, contraceptives and subscription services must adhere to the requirements listed in the Help Center under the applicable content sections.
Advertisers must ensure that their advertisements comply with all applicable laws, regulations and guidelines. All claims in advertisements must be adequately substantiated. Advertisements must not offend users. Advertisements and any offers promoted within advertisements must not be false, deceptive or misleading or contain spam. Advertisements must not contain or promote illegal products or services. Advertisements must not violate the rights of any third parties. Video advertisements for health products and services may not be allowed to play automatically. The following specific content guidelines apply:
Advertisements may not promote the sale or use of adult products or services, including but not limited to toys, videos, publications, live shows, or sexual enhancement products. Advertisements for family planning and contraception are allowed provided they follow the appropriate targeting requirements.
i. Advertisements that promote or reference alcohol are prohibited in the following countries: Afghanistan, Brunei, Bangladesh, Egypt, Gambia, Kuwait, Libya, Norway, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen and any other jurisdiction where such advertisements are prohibited by law.
ii. Where permissible, advertisements that promote or reference alcohol must: (i) Comply with all applicable local laws, required or recommended industry codes, guidelines, licenses and approvals and (ii) apply age and country targeting criteria consistent with Zyrnolink's targeting guidelines and applicable local laws. Where a user's age or country cannot be determined, the advertisement must not be displayed to the user.
iii. Please, refer to our Help Center for additional alcohol-specific guidance.
Advertisements for adult friend finders or dating sites with a sexual emphasis are not permitted. Advertisements for other online dating services are only allowed with prior authorization from Zyrnosoft Corporation. These must adhere to the dating targeting requirements and the name of the product or service must be included in the advertisement text or image.
Advertisements may not promote or facilitate the sale or consumption of illegal or recreational drugs, tobacco products, or drug or tobacco paraphernalia.
i. Advertisements that promote or facilitate online gambling, games of skill or lotteries, including online casino, sports books, bingo, or poker, are only allowed in specific countries with prior authorization from Zyrnosoft Corporation.
ii. Lotteries run by Government entities may advertise on The Eastern Citadel, provided that advertisements must be targeted in accordance with applicable law in the jurisdiction in which the advertisements will be served and may only target users in the jurisdiction in which the lottery is available.
iii. Advertisements that promote offline gambling establishments, such as offline casinos, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, are generally permitted, provided that advertisements must be appropriately targeted.
iv. Please refer to our Help Center for additional gambling-specific guidance.
i. Advertisements must not promote the sale of prescription pharmaceuticals. Advertisements for online pharmacies are prohibited except that advertisements for certified pharmacies may be permitted with prior approval from Zyrnosoft Corporation.
ii. Advertisements that promote dietary and herbal supplements are generally permitted, provided they do not promote products containing anabolic steroids, chitosan, comfrey, dehydroepiandrosterone, ephedra, human growth hormones, melatonin, and any additional products deemed unsafe or questionable by Zyrnosoft Corporation in its sole discretion.
Advertisements may not contain or link directly or indirectly to a site that contains spyware/malware downloads or any software that results in an unexpected, deceptive or unfair user experience, including but not limited to software which:
i. "sneaks" onto a user's system;
ii. Performs activities hidden to the user;
iii. May alter, harm, disable or replace any hardware or software installed on a user's computer without express permission from the user;
iv. Is bundled as a hidden component of other software whether free or for an additional fee;
v. Automatically downloads without The Eastern Citadel's express prior approval;
vi. Presents download dialog boxes without a user's action; or
vii. May violate or infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any third party, including copyright, trademark, patent or any other proprietary right.
Advertisements for subscription services, or that promote products or services that include negative options, automatic renewal, free-to-pay conversion billing products, or mobile marketing are subject to the following requirements:
i. Advertisement text must clearly and conspicuously disclose the recurring billing component (e.g. "subscription required").
ii. The landing page must:
a. Display the price and billing interval wherever the user is prompted to enter personally identifiable information;
b. Include an unchecked opt-in checkbox; and
c. Include language informing users how to cancel their subscription or membership.
iii. Each of the foregoing must be located in a prominent place on your landing page, as determined by The Eastern Citadel in its sole discretion, and should be easy to find, read, and understand.
Advertisements may not promote a business model or practice that is deemed by The Eastern Citadel in its sole discretion to be unacceptable or contrary to The Eastern Citadel's overall advertising philosophy or to any applicable law, including but not limited to multi-level marketing schemes, or advertisements for scams.
Advertisements may not promote the sale or use of weapons, ammunition, or explosives.
Advertisements, or categories of advertisement, that receive a significant amount of negative user feedback, or are otherwise deemed to violate our community standards, are prohibited and may be removed. In all cases, The Eastern Citadel reserves the right in its sole discretion to determine whether particular content is in violation of our community standards.
Advertisements may not constitute, facilitate or promote illegal activity.
Advertisements may not insult, attack, harass, bully, threaten, demean or impersonate others.
Ads may not contain "hate speech," whether directed at an individual or a group, based on membership within certain categories. These categories include, but are not limited to, race, sex, creed, national origin, religious affiliation, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or language.
Advertisements targeted to minors must not promote products, services, or content that is inappropriate, illegal, or unsafe, or that exploits, misleads, or exerts undue pressure on the age groups targeted.
Ads may not contain adult content, including nudity, depictions of people in explicit or suggestive positions, or activities that are overly suggestive or sexually provocative.
Advertisements may not be shocking, sensational or disrespectful, or portray excessive violence.
Advertisements may not imply a Facebook endorsement or partnership of any kind. Advertisements linking to The Eastern Citadel's branded content (including Pages, Groups or Connect sites) may make limited reference to The Eastern Citadel in advertisement text for the purpose of clarifying the destination of the advertisement. All other advertisements and landing pages may not use our copyrights or trademarks (including The Eastern Citadel, Zyrnolink and Zyrnolink Logos, ZyrnoMarket™, Zyrno, Zyrnosoft Logos, Zyrnosoft, Zyrnosoft Corporation and ZyrnoMedia™) or any confusingly similar marks, except as expressly permitted by our Brand Usage Guidelines or with our prior written permission.
Advertisements may not include content that infringes upon or violates the rights of any third party, including copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity, or other personal or proprietary rights.
We reserve the right to reject, approve or remove any advertisement for any reason, in our sole discretion, including advertisements that negatively affect our relationship with our users or that promote content, services, or activities, contrary to our competitive position, interests, or advertising philosophy. These guidelines are subject to change at any time.
• To place your advert on our website, below are our requirements:
- Edit an article on your business dealings.
- Upload your business images and send the link to us, or you can upload it to your mail box and send them to us.
- Upload an Audio/Video clip of your business (optional).
- Edit your current business address.
- Edit your Motto.
- Edit your e-mail address with your desktop/mobile number, and send them to Nzuliverpoolfc@
NOTE: We can also assist you with the requirements above!
NOTE: A conclusion and payment must initiate this, as you have to make your payment or otherwise agreed, before it will be published on our website!
If you are having problem on how you can literary write an article on your business, then you need not to worry as we will help you and do it.
• For enquiries and negotiations, please contact us via:
• +4470 240 636 10
• (+234) 080 632 892 68
• practice blogging in a classical webpage tradition of presenting the news, headlines, editorials, technology news, current affairs, politics, celebrity gossips etc with styles and appeal that will in a fashionable way, generate returns to stakeholders: the internet users, our blog readers and the investors!
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writting from Ucheonye M. Nzubechi or as expressly permitted by law, or under the terms agreed with an appropriate reprographics rights organization.
» Ucheonye Marcellinus Nzubechi for Zyrnosoft Corporation
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• The Script Languages(HTML5, ASP, PHP, AJAX, CSS3+ etc) for Zyrnolink/Zyrnosoft's Advertising Policy and Guidelines was programmed, formatted and published by 'Ucheonye Nzubechi for internet users, under a licence from Zyrnosoft Corporation
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