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Tuesday 10 July 2012

How to lock Operamini

Opera is a mobile web browser that you can use to surf the web. It is also available for both PC and mobile phones. But in this article, I am going to put you through on how you can lock your mobile phone's operamini temporarily at your convenience. Well, locking your operamini is important when you are at a secured webpage, and someone just enters your room, or tries to check on what you are surfing on, or the webpage you are currently on. I stumbled on this stuff when I was busy pressing the buttons on my symbian phone. But I didn't test it on Cast Opera. This test was adeptly conducted with the latest version of a modded operamini. Although not modded by me, but the one I modded has not yet been uploaded. I will upload it at my convenience. But to download one of the latest operamini, please kindly click on the opera image below:

Now, back to the thesis at hand! To lock your operamini, simply press and hold the "#" key for about 2 seconds, and your operamini will get locked. As it is in locked state, it will display how many "bytes" you have used. Now, for you to unlock it, simply repeat the same procedure by pressing and holding the "#" key for about 2 seconds, and your operamini will be unlocked.

That is how to lock and unlock your operamini, as was tested with Operamod, and I also gave you the download link above with an Opera image. You can also check on Operamini/Ucweb configuration.

As researched, edited and formatted by 'Ucheonye Nzubechi.

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